Most people find uploading to facebook, Instagram, twitter and LinkedIn very time consuming, so how can we change this? Do we really want to post less and lose out on all those likes, comments and retweets? Do we really want to move down the social media popularity ladder? Simple answer is NO! Social media is now a way of life, with it having over 2.3 billion users, with that number growing on a daily basis. It has becomes part of peoples normal everyday routine – Wake up check social media, on the bus check social media, add break on TV……. check social media, can’t sleep check social media just to tell people that you can’t sleep.
We’re missing out!
This might sound silly, but by trying not to miss out on what’s going on online, we’re missing out on lots of things in our own lives. While we’re busy trying to get the perfect photo of our kids to post online, so that our friends and family across the globe can keep tabs on their progress, we’re forgetting to step back from the phone and live in the moment. We’re spending so much time posting stuff online that we’re missing the chance to make more memories. Find a way to cut down on the amount of time you’re spending online, and live life through your own eyes instead of the lens of a camera.
We’ve lost the art of conversation.
Think about the last time you sat down with a friend or loved one and had a full conversation without taking out your phone to show them a funny photo or video. We have lost the ability to have a real, face-to- face, meaningful conversation and it’s because we’re having these conversations online. Why not spend less time sharing 1 post across all of your Social Media and spend more time capturing more moments to share!!! Increase the amount of photos/ videos and tweets but cut down on the time spent sharing them. Increase your activity without loosing out on time spent with family and friends.
So how do we get some of that time back without missing out?
85% of standard social media users and 97% of commercial social media users will post the same status, picture and videos across all their social media which can be very time consuming so this is why we created S.M.I.L.E.R (Social Media Integrated Linking Exchange Resource) “The UploadChamp”. You can save up to 75% of the time you’d normally spend posting on social media, and have more time to enjoy the finer things in life. Post from your gallery or take a live picture or video through TheUploadChamp to all of your Social Media. Sowhy not let S.M.I.L.E.R make your uploading experience less time consuming, hassle-free and allow you to enjoy more time with your friends, family and loved ones. Sure heck you can use The UploadChamp to share the picture you just took to Snapchat, WhatsApp, Viber…STILL through just ONE APPLICATION… So why not let S.M.I.L.E.R make your uploading experience more enjoyable and enjoy more time listening to your mobile notify you of new likes, comments and retweets
Although TheUplaodChamp is new, it offers many features with many more to come in the not so distant future, so don’t forget…… Look out for the S.
Till next time SMILER’s – Stay safe and keep smiling.