Hello S.M.I.L.E.R’s, hope everyone is well…

Welcome to my second blog on The UpLoadChamp. For those of you who don’t know who I am and what I do… My app allows you to upload to all your social media accounts from the one centralised hub. In my previous and first (ever) blog I wrote about how uploading to all social media accounts can be time consuming – Is uploading to social media too time consuming? This post will detail some of the features of the app.

This time around I am going to talk about the other features S.M.I.L.E.R The UpLoadChamp has to offer. One very important feature of The UpLoadChamp is the fact that you can save battery power and the application in only 1/3 the size of your facebook application so its uses very little storage! Small but mighty you may say!

We’ve all been there, we’re out and about and the one factor always running through your head is “how long will my battery last”? Let’s face it when people are out and about enjoying time with friends or just taking in some scenery, the mobile device always comes out, whether its to tell people what you’re doing, check-in or take pictures, the mobile coming out is inevitable. This is where The UpLoadChamp can help you save your battery life and your mobile data! Yes you heard me right – your battery life and your mobile data!

So…. People will always upload the same pictures across all their social media accounts, which can really drain your battery switching from app to app. The UpLoadChamp is the one stop for all your social media needs! Upload to Facebook and Twitter without actually logging into each app! Also share to Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, WhatsApp basically share it with any application on your device, still from the one application! In doing this you can save that vital battery power for checking all your notifications and maybe a bit of Angry Birds too! Not forgetting that it also saves your mobile data when you’re Wi-Fi-less!

Remember all feedback is welcome as we will always be looking at ways to improve our app

